
General information

Our history
Our history
Hrvatska poštanska banka was established in October 1991 in the ownership of the Croatian Post. In 30 years of business, the ownership structure has changed, always within state ownership, with ups and downs, but with time the Bank remained the only Croatian-owned bank with a market share of more than 1 percent.

In 2015, the Bank was recapitalized by predominantly private shareholders.
During 2019 Hrvatska poštanska banka completed the merger of Jadranska banka and of HPB-Stambena štedionica, and in 2023 of Nova hrvatska banka.
HPB today
HPB today
HPB serves 578,000 clients, holds assets of 7,9 billion euros and capital of 560 million euros. The Bank is  77 percent directly or indirectly owned by the Republic of Croatia.

Market-oriented Hrvatska poštanska banka provides a quality and comprehensive financial service to citizens, state administration and Croatian businessmen, especially small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

General information

Hrvatska poštanska banka PLC
Jurišićeva 4, HR-10000 Zagreb

Info telephones: 0800 472 472072 472 472+385 1 4890 365
Fax: +385 1 4810 773
E-mail: [email protected]

Registration number (MB): 3777928
Identification number (OIB): 87939104217
IBAN: HR46 2390 0011 0700 0002 9

Registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under company registration number (MBS): 080010698

Share capital of EUR 161,970,000.00 divided into 2,024,625 ordinary shares each in the nominal value of EUR 80.00 and paid in full. 

Organizational structure

Ownership structure

Shareholders Number of shares Interest in the share capital (%)
Republic of Croatia 909.035 44,8989
Croatian Post PLC 241.610 11,9336
Croatian Deposit Insurance Agency 181.818 8,9803
Croatian Pension Insurance Institute 177.311 8,7577
Erste & Steiermarkische bank d.d./
PBZ CO OMF - category B
121.522 6,0022
Other shareholders
(each under 5% of share of the equity capital)
393.329 19,4272
Total shares 2.024.625 100%

Overview of the top 10 accounts with the maximum amount of securities of HPB p.l.c. / HPB-R-A Common Share